Frank Shostack
Tax, Corporate, and Business Advice for Small and Mid-size Businesses Learn MoreGet StartedWork with Frank Shostack!
How it all started
Our Story
Many years ago, I was mentored by a very wise senior lawyer that when a client asks you a question, give them a simple answer, not a dissertation. That has been the guiding principle to every aspect of my approach to serving clients.
Working with my law clerk, Patricia Bedford since 1976, our clients look to us as an integral part of their decision making process. They count on us to be available to provide solutions that are understandable and affordable.
With today’s technology, I have made a point of always trying to be available by video or telephone conference to address client needs
Barring an unforeseen decision of a higher power, we hope to continue that mission for many years to come.
Roadmaps that Explain Your Solution
When we first meet with the client to discuss a problem that requires a solution, our main focus is to listen rather than lecture. Only when we fully understand the client’s objectives do we begin to offer possible alternative solutions. We then summarize those discussions for further consideration by the client, collaboratively identify the most desirable approach and then outline that approach both in writing and graphically where necessary.
Our objective is to ensure that the client understands where we want to go, how we are going to get there, and what contingencies or roadblocks we may encounter along the way. We don’t like surprises and we don’t want our clients to be side-tracked by them either.
We can help with every stage of your business
Business Expansion
Business Sales
Employee Incentive Plans
Intellectual Property
Financial Stress
Benefits of Transaction Facilitation
What We Can Do For You
This approach to implementing business transactions may have the following advantages over the adversarial system:
Relationship Management
we can prepare both parties for what is involved in a purchase and sale of a business and have them participate in structuring the process so that the parties understand what is required and are not caught by surprise, an experience that many sellers often find stressful.
Negotiation of the Deal
Ensuring that both parties are properly represented by their financial and business advisers, so that the parties are able to identify legitimate differences in their views of the proposed transaction and are able to address them in a facilitated environment that enables them to reach mutually acceptable solutions.
Cost Effective
avoiding the multiple exchanges of drafts of purchase and sale agreements between counsel that can double or triple the costs leading up to settlement of the terms of the transaction.
Transaction Facilitation
For a number of years, using a neutral intermediary to resolve litigious disputes (called “Alternative Dispute Resolution” or “ADR”) has been considered to be a preferred alternative to the adversarial system involving court proceedings. Recent developments in resolving matrimonial disputes, referred to as “Collaborative Law” have shown that this approach has been far more desirable than the destructiveness resulting from a scorched earth adversarial approach, providing, of course, that the parties wish to resolve their differences with the least amount of acrimony and cost.